zondag 20 december 2015

Kennis is macht. Een goede kankerbehandeling staat of valt met jezelf goed informeren !!

Belangrijke literatuur voor kankerpatienten en familie.

Als u te zwak bent, laat uw familie/vrienden de boeken lezen en u een samenvatting voorlezen zodat u gezamelijk tot de juiste besluitvorming kunt komen.

1. Dr. Servan Schreiber Het Anti kanker boek.

2. Beaten Cancer with Natural Medicine Michael Lam

3. The hidden Story of cancer
    Brian Scott Peskin and Amid Habib

4. Anti inflammatory foods for health Barabar Row en Lisa Davis

(binnenkort nog meer, maar dit is een goed basispakket)

Geen chemo of bestralingen maar wel kankerbehandeling(en)?

Bron http://kankerbehandelen-ghc.nl/

Recentelijk op de volgende website / behandelaars via internet geattendeerd.

Besloten om consult aan te vragen en per omgaande te starten met deze behandeling(en).

Veel van wat er vermeld wordt doe ik al (hyperthermie, zuurstof, mineralen, immuumstimulerende middelen, ...).

Veel van deze zaken kan ik alleen in Duitsland volgen. Nu er een mogelijkheid is om dit in Nederland te doen, grijp ik deze kans met beide handen aan.

Ik doe dit omdat ik hier veel over gelezen heb. Ik ben niet de persoon om zomaar klakkeloos met een behandeling te gaan starten.

Daarnaast ga ik binnenkort weer naar Duitsland in Januari om mezelf te laten behandelen.... .

vrijdag 18 december 2015

petitie keuzevrijheid burgerinitiatief ... tekent u ook?

Bron http://kankerbehandelen.nl/waarom-onze-stichting/petitie-keuzevrijheid/

Petitie keuzevrijheid

De Nederlandse gezondheidszorg geeft op het gebied van kanker veel te veel standaardbehandelingen. Met name op het gebied van chemo wordt er TE veel gebruik gemaakt van standaard behandelingen. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat 75% van deze chemokuren geen resultaat heeft. Wel zijn er de  nodige bijwerkingen en verwoesting van het eigen immuunsysteem. Het is  mogelijk om van te voren te testen of een bepaalde chemokuur enig effect zal hebben.
De toename van het aantal mensen met kanker is enorm. De kosten voor een behandeling is torenhoog. Wetende dat veel chemo’s met de huidige aanpak geen effect hebben, wordt er dus eenvoudig weg heel veel geld verspild. Op deze wijze wordt het behandelen van kanker in de toekomst onbetaalbaar.
In heel veel gevallen krijgen mensen met kanker te horen dat ze “uitbehandeld” zijn. De zorg is nog wel bereid om palliatieve chemo voor te schrijven, eveneens tegen zeer hoge kosten. Tevens met deze wetenschap dat dit totaal geen effect op de kanker meer zal hebben.
Steeds meer mensen kiezen voor een andere aanpak. Met de rug tegen de muur, kiezen zij voor alternatieve en experimentele therapieën. Therapieën vaak, die minder verwoestend zijn en vaak verbluffend goede resultaten geven.
Hoewel vaak beduidend voordeliger dan bijvoorbeeld chemokuren, worden deze behandelingen niet vergoed door de Nederlandse zorgverzekaars.
- We maken door bovengenoemde zienswijze ons eigen zorgsysteem onbetaalbaar
- Het is onvoorstelbaar dat mensen in Nederland volgens ons zorgstelsel niet kunnen kiezen welke behandeling ze willen.
- Wij vinden dat elk mens het recht moet hebben op keuzevrijheid. Keuzevrijheid voor regulier en/of alternatief/complementair !!
Wij vinden dat met name bij kanker alternatieve en complementaire behandelingen vergoed dienen te worden door ons zorgsysteem !!
- Wij vinden dat er meer onderzoek moet komen naar alternatieve en complementaire geneeswijzen bij kanker !!
Bent u het met bovenstaande eens? Vul dan hieronder het formulier in!!!
We hebben 40.000 steunbetuigingen nodig om een burgerinitiatief bij de tweede kamer in te dienen. Doet u mee?

De petitie is te vinden op bovenstaande website. Het burgerintiatief MOET er komen!!

donderdag 17 december 2015

Milk Thistle National Cancer Institute

Bron http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/hp/milk-thistle-pdq

Do not use this with following medicine
  • Statines (Altoco of Mecavor)
  • Anxiolytica (Valium, Xanax of Ativan)
  • Anticoagulantia (Coumadin of Plavix)
  • Fenytoïne (Dilantin)
  • Fexofenadine (Allegra)
  • Antipsychotica (Chloorpromazine, Haloperidol, Promethazine of Flufenazine)
This complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) information summary provides an overview of the use of milk thistle as a treatment and adjunct agent for people with cancer.
The summary includes a brief history of milk thistle, a review of thelaboratory studies and clinical trials, and a description of adverse effectsassociated with milk thistle use.
This summary contains the following key information:
  • Milk thistle is a plant whose fruit and seeds have been used for more than 2,000 years as a treatment for liver(!!) and biliary disorders.
  • The active substance in milk thistle, silymarin, is a complex mixture of flavonolignans. Silymarin's primary constituents are the flavonolignan isomers silybins A and B, isosilybin A and B, silychristin (also known as silichristin), silydianin (also known as silidianin), and their flavonoid precursor, taxifolin. In the literature, the mixture of the silybins A and B is often referred to as silibinin.
  • Laboratory studies demonstrate that silymarin stabilizes cellularmembranes, stimulates detoxification pathways, stimulates regeneration of liver tissue, inhibits the growth of certain cancer cell lines, exerts directcytotoxic activity toward certain cancer cell lines, and possibly increases the efficacy of certain chemotherapy agents.
  • Human clinical trials have investigated milk thistle or silymarin primarily in individuals with hepatitis or cirrhosis, although small studies have been reported about individuals with acute lymphoblastic leukemiaprostate cancerbreast cancer, andhepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Few adverse side effects have been reported for milk thistle, but little information about interactions with anticancer medications or other drugs is available.
  • Milk thistle is available in the United States as a dietary supplement
(translate in English and or check website national cancer institute to see side effects/dose/etc...!!)

Mammografie en het pletten van kankercellen? Alternatief echo of thermografie ...

Artsen leerden al in 1928 dat je voorzichtig moet omgaan met een borst waar mogelijk kanker inzit. Het laatste wat je moet doen met een borst waar mogelijk kankercellen inzitten, is deze stevig pletten in een machine (Lancet, 1992;340:122).Volgens een onderzoeksrapport van The National Research Council komt er steeds meer bewijs dat ook kleine hoeveelheden straling kanker kunnen triggeren. Daarbij is er bij mammografie sprake van een cumulatief effect van straling. Van iedere borst worden twee foto’s genomen, in totaal dus vier. Dit staat gelijk aan 1 rad (radiation-absorbed-dose). Als je geen enkel bevolkingsonderzoek overslaat heb je als vrouw op je 75ste zo’n dertien maal blootgestaan aan 1 rad.
Is er iemand die mij kan vertellen of 13 rad nog steeds verwaarloosbaar is? Ik lees namelijk dat bij vrouwen die nog niet in de menopauze zitten, blootstelling aan 1 rad het risico op kanker al verhoogt met 1%. (Lancet, 1992; 340:122). De kans op borstkanker wordt groter naarmate we ouder worden. Is het dan verstandig om vrouwen ná de menopauze iedere twee jaar opnieuw bloot te stellen aan weer 1 rad aan straling? 
De agressieve, snel groeiende, veelal dodelijke tumoren worden doorgaans niet opgemerkt door een mammografie want deze agressieve tumoren bevinden zich meestal in dicht borstweefsel.

Bron http://eva-lijsten-papers.s3.amazonaws.com/mammografie-tekstUK-uk.pdf
Engelse overheid bekent: mammografie ‘ziet’ drie kankers die er niet zijn voor iedere kanker die er wel is. 18 september 2013 Eindelijk krijgen vrouwen de waarheid te horen over de beperkingen en gevaren van routinematige screening voor borstkanker door mammografie. Een nieuwe brochure van de Nationale Gezondheid Dienst (National Health Service) waarschuwt dat de kans dat deze technologie een onschuldige afwijking –die kan resulteren in chemotherapie en borstamputatie- ziet, drie keer groter is dan dat ze een werkelijk levensbedreigende tumor signaleert. Deze nieuwe brochure, die beschikbaar zal worden gesteld aan de 3 miljoen vrouwen tussen 50 en 70 jaar die ieder jaar in Engeland worden uitgenodigd voor het bevolkingsonderzoek door middel van mammografie, geeft aan dat voor ieder leven dat wordt gered met deze technologie, er bij drie vrouwen een goedaardige afwijking wordt gevonden die leidt tot chemotherapie en borstamputatie. De meest voorkomende afwijking is DCIS ductaal carcinoom in situ, die zich, ondanks de naam, maar heel zelden ontwikkeld tot kanker. De eerlijkheid van de brochure is verrassend want een overheidsrapport van vorig jaar probeerde nog een positieve draai te geven aan het bevolkingsonderzoek. Het stelde toen dat mammografie 1300 levens per jaar redde, maar gaf toe dat 4000 vrouwen per jaar onnodige behandelingen ondergaan. Maar zelfs deze gedeeltelijk optimistische visie werd bekritiseerd door andere onderzoekers, die erop wezen dat het was gebaseerd op oude data uit een tijd vóórdat vrouwen zich bewust waren van de invloed van voeding en leefstijl. Kijkend ook naar meer recente gegevens concludeerden onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Oxford dat mammografie nauwelijks levens redt.

maandag 14 december 2015

Inhibition of leptin and leptin receptor gene expression by silibinin-curcumin combination.

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014 Jan;14(11):6595-9.
Inhibition of leptin and leptin receptor gene expression by silibinin-curcumin combination.
Nejati-Koshki K1, Akbarzadeh A, Pourhasan-Moghaddam M, Abhari A, Dariushnejad H.
Author information
Leptin and its receptor are involved in breast carcinogenesis as mitogenic factors. Therefore, they could be considered as targets for breast cancer therapy. Expression of the leptin receptor gene could be modulated by leptin secretion. Silibinin and curcumin are herbal compounds with anti-cancer activity against breast cancer. The aim of this study was to assess their potential to inhibit of expression of the leptin gene and its receptor and leptin secretion. Cytotoxic effects of the two agents on combination on T47D breast cancer cells was investigated by MTT assay test after 24h treatment. With different concentrations the levels of leptin, leptin receptor genes expression were measured by reverse-transcription real-time PCR. Amount of secreted leptin in the culture medium was determined by ELISA. Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA test. The silibinin and curcumin combination inhib4ited growth of T47D cells in a dose dependent manner. There were also significant difference between control and treated cells in leptin expression and the quantity of secreted leptin with a relative decrease in leptin receptor expression. In conclusion, these herbal compounds inhibit the expression and secretion of leptin and it could probably be used as drug candidates for breast cancer therapy through leptin targeting in the future.
PMID: 24377502 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free full text

Synergistic inhibition of breast cancer metastasis by silibinin-loaded lipid nanoparticles containing TPGS.

Synergistic inhibition of breast cancer metastasis by silibinin-loaded lipid nanoparticles containing TPGS.
Xu P1, Yin Q, Shen J, Chen L, Yu H, Zhang Z, Li Y.
Author information
1Center of Pharmaceutics, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China.
Tumor metastasis is the leading cause of breast cancer-related mortality and remains to be the principal obstacle for the successful chemotherapy of breast cancer. To block metastasis of breast cancer, silibinin-loaded lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) containing TPGS and phosphatidylcholine were designed and prepared by a thin-film hydration method. The optimized SLNs were approximately 45 nm in particle size with high stability in serum, which were further demonstrated to be efficiently uptaken by MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Importantly, the SLNs could accumulate within tumor tissues with high efficiency and amounts. Compared with free silibinin, SLNs exhibitedyh much stronger inhibitory effects on the invasion and migration of MDA-MB-231 cells through the downregulation of MMP-9 and Snail. More importantly, systematic in vivo evaluations demonstrated that SLNs treatment group resulted in 67% and 39% less pulmonary metastases formation than saline treatment group in the spontaneous and blood vessel metastasis models, respectively. Interestingly, the blank lipid nanoparticles without silibinin were also found, for the first time, to possess the efficient anti-metastatic capabilities to some extent. The biocompatibility assay reveals that SLNs treatment did not exhibit obvious systemic toxicity in two mouse models. Therefore, SLNs are the promising delivery systems against metastasis of breast cancer cells.
Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

vrijdag 11 december 2015

Cancer industry now admits that chemo and radiation therapy creates second cancers (!) and generate huge repeat business/profits ....

bron http://www.naturalnews.com/052239_cancer_industry_chemotherapy_repeat_business.html
by: Julie Wilson staff writer

Are cancer treatments causing more 


document[PDF] by the American Cancer Society titled "Second Cancers in Adults" admits that second cancers may be caused by cancer treatment.

"Radiation therapy was recognized as a potential cause of cancer many years ago," according to the ACS, which also admits that most types of leukemia, including acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), can all be caused by radiation.

Most cancers caused by radiation therapy develop within just a few years of being irradiated, with the disease peaking at five to nine years following exposure.

Similarly, chemotherapy drugs have also been linked to different kinds of second cancers, with the most common being myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and AML; ALL has also been linked to these cancer drugs.

Cancer drugs cause at least 40,000 cases 

of new cancer each year in the U.S.

To help put that into perspective, about 13,000 people are diagnosed each year with MDS.

Onderzoek is verricht door de American Cancer Society !!

Mistletoe therapy if cancer chemotherapy fails?

Bron http://blogs.naturalnews.com/mistletoe-extract-effective-killing-cancer-chemotherapy-fails/

  • 42
  • 4
Mistletoe is a popular plant this time of year, but it is worth far more than holiday romance.  Mistletoe is a semi parasitic plant that grows on trees such as apple, oak, pine and elm.  Mistletoe extract has been used for centuries to treat many ailments.(1)
Mistletoe extract is one of the most widely studied complementary and alternative therapies for cancer.  In European countries, preparations with mistletoe are prescribed to patients for cancer treatment.91)

Mistletoe extract has been shown to kill cancer cells!

It has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory and affects the immune system.  Mistletoe extract is most commonly administered by injection under the skin or into a vein, pleural cavity and or tumor.(1)
A large number of studies using mistletoe to treat cancer have been completed since the 1960’s.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved mistletoe for treatment for cancer or any other medical conditions.(1)

Mother of four diagnosed with colon cancer beats cancer by using mistletoe extract!

In 2008, Ivelisse Page, a 37 year old mother of four children was diagnosed with colon cancer.  She had 28 lymph nodes and 15 inches of her colon removed.  Later that year, she received devastating news that her cancer had spread to her liver.  She was then given an 8 percent chance of surviving more than two years.(2)
Page had more surgery and removed 20 percent of her liver.  Dr. Peter Hinderberger, was on Page’s treatment team and was a specialist at Ruscomb Mansion Community Health Center.  He specialized in complementary therapies and had seen positive effects from injecting mistletoe extract.(2)
Page’s doctor, Luis Diaz, was an oncologist who treated with chemotherapy but Page desired to try Mistletoe extract.  Diaz agreed to continue to work with Page as she started Mistletoe extract.  The next time Diaz saw Page, he was amazed.  He reported, “The one thing I noticed was that as soon as she went on it, she started feeling better,” he recalls. “That’s a universal feature I’ve seen in all patients who get mistletoe. Their [color] improves; they have more energy.”(2)
Page has been cancer-free since the operation on her liver.  She attributes her turnaround to combination of surgery, diet, exercise and mistletoe.  Since then Page has been working with Diaz, trying to get the FDA to approve the use of mistletoe extract.  Diaz attempted to convince Diaz that it would cost millions of dollars, but instead of subduing Page, she went into overdrive to find a way to fund clinical trials.  She and her husband have formed a nonprofit call Believe Big, to connect cancer patients with doctors who use nonconventional cancer therapies.  The organization has continued to raise money to fund research for mistletoe extract.(2)

Mistletoe extract reduces effects of chemotherapy and radiation and improves patient’s emotional wellbeing!

One study showed that mistletoe can reduce side effects of chemotherapy. Some breast cancer patients even reported a reduction in hair loss.  The study also showed an improvement in emotional wellbeing, with patients feeling less worried and depressed. (3)
Another study found that mistletoe helped people feel less tired while receiving radiation therapy.  The study included 220 patients diagnosed with breast, ovarian, and lung cancer.  Those that received mistletoe extract experience less fatigue, insomnia, anorexia and nausea.(3)
One study assessed the affects of mistletoe extract on stomach cancer.  Patients who received the extract had lower chances of diarrhea compared to those who weren’t given the extract.(3)
As cancer rates continue to grow, more and more people are searching for treatment alternatives.  It’s possible that mistletoe extract could be an option with the right physician and the right location.(3)
Sources included:

woensdag 9 december 2015

An Aspirin a day keeps the cancer away?

Bron http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25867761

Lab Invest. 2015 Jul;95(7):702-17. doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2015.49. Epub 2015 Apr 13.

Aspirin blocks growth of breast tumor cells and tumor-initiating cells and induces reprogramming factors of mesenchymal to epithelial transition.

Author information

  • 11] Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA [2] Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA.
  • 2Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA.
  • 31] Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA [2] Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA.
  • 41] Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA [2] Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA.
  • 51] Cancer Research Unit, VA Medical Center, Kansas City, MO, USA [2] Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA [3] Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA [4] Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA.


Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), also known as aspirin, a classic, nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is widely used to relieve minor aches and pains and to reduce fever. Epidemiological studies and other experimental studies suggest that ASA use reduces the risk of different cancers including breast cancer (BC) and may be used as a chemopreventive agent against BC and other cancers. These studies have raised the tempting possibility that ASA could serve as a preventive medicine for BC. However, lack of in-depth knowledge of the mechanism of action of ASA reshapes the debate of risk and benefit of using ASA in prevention of BC. Our studies, using in vitro and in vivo tumor xenograft models, show a strong beneficial effect of ASA in the prevention of breast carcinogenesis. We find that ASA not only prevents breast tumor cell growth in vitro and tumor growth in nude mice xenograft model through the induction of apoptosis, but also significantly reduces the self-renewal capacity and growth of breasttumor-initiating cells (BTICs)/breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) and delays the formation of a palpable tumor. Moreover, ASA regulates other pathophysiological events in breast carcinogenesis, such as reprogramming the mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) and delaying in vitro migration in BC cells. The tumor growth-inhibitory and reprogramming roles of ASA could be mediated through inhibition of TGF-β/SMAD4 signaling pathway that is associated with growth, motility, invasion, and metastasis in advanced BCs. Collectively, ASA has a therapeutic or preventive potential by attacking possible target such as TGF-β in breast carcinogenesis.